USA – The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) have just published the latest 2016 editions of...
HVAC Regulatory News
FRANCE – The French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) has published its latest guide and study for professionals to help...
DENMARK – A report published by the Danish Energy Association has outlined the potential windfall for Danish companies due to...
FRANCE – Several monuments throughout France and the world were today lit up to mark the entry of the Paris...
USA – The American government is showing it means business by clamping down on refrigeration leaks and the people who...
FRANCE – The International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) today released a press statement to unveil Judith Evans, a professor at...
USA – The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) today released a statement announcing significant changes to refrigerant paint colour...
AUSTRALIA – Australia has reaffirmed its commitment to reducing HFC emissions by yesterday publishing the results of a government-sponsored review...
EUROPE – This week could prove to be a crucial one for the industry with European MEPs set to vote...
EUROPE – The Swegon Group today announced that they had become certified as an Endorser for EU Code of Conduct...
USA – The Air Resources Board is proposing actions to cut HFC emissions by 40% by 2030, compared to 2013...
EUROPE – The 37th Open-Ended Working Group meeting (OEWG37) took place in Geneva from the 4th to the 8th of...
UK – The Competition and Markets agency, CMA, have begun the process of investigating the completed acquisition of HRP Holdings...
USA – ASHRAE, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, have published a new standard covering the residential...
AUSTRALIA – The second annual High Performance Energy conference is set to take place at the Australian Technology Park in Sydney on...
USA – The International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR) released a statement today announcing that it has begun working on...
UK – The Competition and Markets agency, CMA, have announced that they are to investigate the completed acquisition of HRP...
FRANCE – The Bepos Effinergie 2013 label in continues to thrive in 2015. A total of 87 transactions, involving more...
USA – The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) have announced the recent publication of their research project, entitled AHRI 8018:...
FRANCE – Ségolène Royal and Emmanuel Macron announced this morning the creation of an incubator “Green Tech” in the Ministry...
The highly anticipated decree implementing the European regulation F-gas II (Regulation EC 517-2014) finally pointed the tip of his nose...
In France, the labeling of construction products or wall cladding or floor and paints and varnishes on their emissions of...
USA – The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) yesterday released a statement praising ASHRAE for their approval of Addendum...
USA – The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) released a statement today praising ASHRAE for approving Addendum d to...
USA – The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) have warmly welcomed the decision of the Parties of the Montreal...
WORLD – Gina McCarthy, the Administrator of the US Environmental Protection Agency, marked the international meeting of the Parties to...
USA – The Obama administration yesterday hosted a roundtable discussion with HVAC industry leaders to debate, among other things, how...
GERMANY – A supermarket in Marburg-Cappel, Germany become the first supermarket to receive a Blue Angel ecolabel for environmental responsibility....
UK – Carrier Transicold have announced that all of their UK and Irish network service providers have become affiliate members...
USA – Carrier Transicold has declared its desire to use natural refrigerant technology that surpasses current alternatives in terms of...
WORLD – Swegon have released a guide to help customers understand the intricacies of Lot 6 of the European Ecodesign...
UK – A recent survey of air conditioning contractors and installers has revealed that the R22 ban is continuing to...
WORLD – The UNEP hosted a webinar on the 30th of July on the subject of promoting sustainable public procurement....
WORLD – A recent study carried out by scientists Boris Kingma and Wouten van Marken Lichtenbelt has suggested that a...
USA – The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) has announced that it has reached settlement with the Department of...
WORLD – The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute and the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) completed an Exchange of Letters...
CHINA – Ariston, the Italian based thermal comfort group, obtained a judgment from the Court of Nanjing (capital of the...
UK – Mitsubishi Electric, through their spokesman Scott McGavin, have moved to warn commercial and residential building proprietors that they...
USA – The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) has made clear its displeasure with the U.S. Department of Energy’s...
USA – The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) have warmly welcomed two recent Department of Energy (DOE) final rulings...
USA – The Commercial Package Air Conditioners and Commercial Warm Air Furnaces Working Group, which was established by the U.S....
EUROPE – The European Commission has announced that it will be rolling out stricter EU energy efficiency and performance laws...
USA – Water heaters find themselves in the glare of the spotlight as manufacturers have responded to updated federal regulations...
USA – On the 10th February 2015, the US Department of Energy (DOE) issued a proposed rule for furnaces which...
FRANCE – The decree of 27th February 2015 establishes the list of equipment, materials and devices eligible for tax credit...
FRANCE – The principle of equality does not require that the rules for recovery of rental charges for heating-related expenses...
FRANCE – Representatives of the Plan Bâtiment Durable (Plan for sustainable buildings) and the main professional property management agencies signed...
FRANCE – The ALUR Act has established the economic model for third party financing in order to overcome the obstacle...
FRANCE – According to the Cour de Cassation (Supreme Court of Appeals), a heat pump constitutes a piece of equipment...
FRANCE – Smoke detectors must be installed and maintained in flats and houses before 9th March 2015 (and therefore no...
FRANCE – The Official Bulletin No. 24 of 10 January 2015 has entered into law the Apartment Thermal Modules (MTA)...
BELGIUM –A number of powerful manufacturing groups have called for an exemption of spare parts from eco-design requirements for fans. As...
USA: A cold storage company in Connecticut has agreed to pay 124,181 dollars in fines to settle a violation of...
Specialists in the quality of indoor air held a meeting under the initiative of the Energy Balance Association with respect...
USA – The Department of Trade will take economic sanctions through the customs duties applied for the cooling R134a imports...
The National Industrial Environment and Risks Institute is comparing the different methods of measurement of emissions from wood combustion particles...
FRANCE – The RAGE 1 program, which ends at the end of 2014, will be replaced by RAGE 2. This...
FRANCE – Monitoring the improvement of the quality of indoor air in public buildings (ERP) will not take place in...
FRANCE – The end of 2014 year is also the end of the Règles de l’Art Grenelle Environnement (RAGE 1)...
US – The US Department of Energy has proposed new efficiency standards for air conditioners installed on the roofs of...
China plans to close five of its production lines producing hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) refrigeration, or 16% of global production by 2015.
Having been aware for a long time of the fatal effects on the environment of excessive carbon dioxide gas in...
French legislation has been introduced to accelerate eco-conditionality by October 2015. The decree on eco-conditionality of public aid for housing...
In May, 2014, a steering committee was established to prepare the text for energy reforms. These preparatory works allowed, two...
“Isolation is good, confining it sucks” is the provocative slogan by which the deputy Jean-Yves le Déaut and the senator...
The European Commission has charged Austria and Poland in the European Courts of Justice for the incomplete transposition of the...
Buildings, we all know, consume energy, whether for heating, gas, electricity or water. In order to make life easier for...
The Mitsubishi Q-ton heat pump has been added to the Energy Technology List (ETL) since 1 July 2014. It is...
American environment protection agency (EPA) offers its Clean Power to reduce greenhouse gases emissions including 30% of CO2 by 2030,...
The national energy ombudsman – Jean Gaubert – recently presented an assessment of activity during 2013. During his presentation, he...