Bitzer receive Deutscher TGA Award
GERMANY – Bitzer’s Schaufler Academy was the recipient of a Deutscher TGA-AWARD 2016 in the New Building category for its energy concept . The international training centre of the specialist for refrigeration compressors is located in Rottenburg-Ergenzingen on the grounds of the Bitzer competence centre for screw compressors.
The award ceremony, which was held in CCI Berlin’s Ludwig Erhard building on 12 April during the Berliner ENERGIETAGE conference, saw a 16-member specialist jury for technical building services award the specialist team of planners commissioned by Bitzer for the Schaufler Academy’s progressive energy concept. Klaus Rauer and Christian Bressel of the Rauer Planung engineering firm accepted the award on behalf of the team, with Rauer declaring ‘We couldn’t be happier about the award. The Schaufler Academy can serve as an example to many other projects, as this involved some major energy challenges that had to be overcome both economically and practically.’
Bitzer took the time to congratulate their project partners for the award, with Dr Armin Walz, Head of Application Engineering at Bitzer saying ‘We’ve always set great store by the efficiency of our compressors and condensing units. After all, lower energy consumption improves the environmental balance and reduces life cycle costs. True to this principle, Bitzer and its construction partners developed an energy concept that combines flexibility in terms of building utilisation with the responsible use of resources and minimal energy consumption.’
The Schaufler Academy building and the building technology concept associated with it were developed under the direction of the BFK Plan GmbH planning office with the support of the IB Rauer specialist planning office and the design architects of BFK Architekten, in close consultation with Bitzer.